Thursday, December 24, 2015

Blog Entry 4/4: Future

Welcome to part four of four of the official author’s blog of the dystopic novel, Tombstone Philosophy. The reason for these blogs is so that you, the reader, can get the opportunity to peek inside the author’s mind with the thought process and chronicling of this novel’s creation.

For those of you not familiar with Tombstone Philosophy, it is an eBook written by Bryan Miller about a world where the United States has been governed by a twisted incarnation of the Catholic Church, and of a group of freedom fighters whose goal is the return of separation of church and state by any means necessary.

The future of Tombstone Philosophy has been set since not so long before I penned out the epic conclusion to the fight between the Crusaders and the Church. I have no such intention of expanding my world of Tombstone Philosophy, despite the possibilities of exploring an epilogue novel(s) following the events after Tombstone Philosophy, the assimilation of the United States with Vatican City or the Breadbasket Crisis. Tombstone Philosophy’s ending to me was satisfying enough without the need of any further expansion.

As far as future projects outside of Tombstone Philosophy goes, I have no desire to create anything with religious themes as strong as Tombstone Philosophy has depicted. My future works shall be far away from the spectrum of religion, despite the knowledge I’ve gained on Catholicism while working on Tombstone Philosophy. As for future novels, as soon as I come up with anything original and worth writing will I renew the clicks and taps on my laptop keyboard in Microsoft Word.

At the moment, I have three upcoming projects that I’ll be working on as part of Lunar Indie Studios’ creative development. I will continue my role as Art Director for LeeMichael Charboneau’s Four Horsemen tetralogy. The Four Horsemen is a series of military fiction novels written by Charboneau about a secret paramilitary unit and their quest in restoring democracy to a future America. Book I - I am the Fourth, is available in paperback, hardcover and eBook format from online retailers such as Amazon and Lulu.

Books one and two of Charboneau's The Four Horsemen tetralogy (book two still in development)

My own project starting after Tombstone Philosophy will be a video available on YouTube called B.O.W. Battle Data - Tyrant. It is an info video on all the Tyrants created by the Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil video game series. After seeing a lot of tribute videos on YouTube on the Tyrants, seeing how they’re mostly still-image slideshows and low quality compilations, I wanted to try and take it up a few notches with one of my own (being the diehard Resident Evil fan that I am). It’s expected to be released by spring 2015; so go to the Lunar Indie Studios YouTube Channel if you want check out this video and others created by yours truly.

Screenshots of the upcoming video B.O.W. Battle Data - Tyrant

Lastly, I will be revitalizing my long dormant illustration skills with the digital comic, Genre. Genre is a comic about a high school freshmen who enrolls in a school for music, realizing that his teachers and classmates are all personifications of different music genres. It will involve the main character, Cal, and your typical high school drama involving fights with super-powered bullies, girls, midterms, battle of the bands and more! It’s Scott Pilgrim meets the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (but without the whole espers, time travelers, aliens or gods thing!). The first issue’s expected release date is fall 2015 and will be available in digital media (and eventually paperback) wherever I can get hands on an online retailer and sell for real low cheap! Look for updates on Facebook and Twitter, simply search for Lunar Indie Studios.

Logo for the upcoming Genre digital comic

Thank you for reading my four-part blog on Tombstone Philosophy, I hope you enjoyed reading my dystopic novel as much as I did making it.
-Bryan Miller

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