Wednesday, January 6, 2016

[Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko] Quotes Q&A

Before I could tackle on a video project as complex as B.O.W. Battle Data - Tyrant, I worked on another audio-related video from Crystal Dynamic's 1999 classic, Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko. During the video's creation, I've been asked multiple questions regarding little video's creation, some technical, some personal, so I thought I'd share my questions and answers on this Blogger post.

 So what is [Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko] Quotes?

[Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko] Quotes is a compendium of quotes from the anthropomorphic gecko, Gex in the American version of Deep Cover Gecko as voiced by Dana Gould.

Dana Gould: the voice actor and quip writer for the American version of the Gex series.

 Why work on a compilation?

No one had done it before for Gex 3. I absolutely love the quote compilation for the first Gex by MNH Studios, and it wasn’t hard to unlock the debug menu for Deep Cover Gecko and record the quotes one quip and a time, so I did it.

What was the most difficult part of making [Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko] Quotes?

Making the rest between quotes short and consistent. With [Gex] Quotes, the quotes were rapid fire one after another, I had to make the rests less than ten milliseconds apart. Considering that I had hundreds of quotes to do that with, it was rather time consuming, but rewarding in the end.

Cover art for the Playstation version of Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko with model Marliece Andrada

 I take it you’re a fan of the Gex series?

I am, the first game is my favorite. Gex was one of the first Playstation games I’ve played when my friend rented the system and a few games from Blockbuster. I love sidescrollers and the quotes are still fresh and funny to me even from a Generation-X character. With Deep Cover Gecko, now I felt that Gould’s script for Gex seems stale and rather corny (he milked the Austin Powers thing to death). Then again, you can say the same about the first or second game, I’ll always treasure the first one.

Any interest in making a quote compilation for Enter the Gecko?

Doubtful. I tried doing that right after I finished this video, but I ran into some technical issues with the recording from that particular game and eventually gave up. I’m sure someone will take on that task for Enter the Gecko just as I did for Deep Cover Gecko.

You can check out [Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko] Quotes and other great videos from the Lunar Indie Studios official YouTube channel.

Lunar Indie Studios is a creative smorgasbord that focuses on art, literature and video. 
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